Thursday, March 10, 2011

Learning To Fly: Crash Landing

Every muscle in my body was screaming at me to stop.  None of my music sounded good anymore. Nothing on the radio.  Trying not to kill myself or on-coming traffic by playing Words With Friends (best free app on my phone!) but not knowing how else to fill up the hours left without losing my mind.  I'm happy to report I made it safe and unsound (if you knew me you'd agree) to my new home. Two days of driving full of chain gum chewing and trying to pace the liquid consumption all ended with hugs and a cozy bed.  

So did I learn anything I could share here with my fellow scrimpers? Traveling is NOT cheap so I asked my sister, Stephanie, to guest blog yesterday about a few things she had learned while on the road. I hope you all payed close attention because she knows what she's talking about! Aside from bathroom stall yoga i'm ready for a nice long R.V. trip now myself. 

Boredom is possibly one of the top reasons for needless spending. I fall victim to it especially when traveling whether its by train, plane or automobile.  Every gas station shop is full of wonders to delight the senses when you've been sensory deprived. Sunglasses call to me even on a cloudy day. I can't possibly leave without buying a new flavor of gum (like I said, chain gum chewer here).  Oh and don't forget the regular water and flavored water or soda and maaaaybe I can't live without trying to get that stuffed animal out of the claw machine. You know the one. 

The Ticket? BUDGET!

What I recommend is that you actually give yourself a little envelope of cash that is just for fun during your adventure. If you can afford ten dollars of fun along the way, make it last.  If you want to allow for fifty bucks of fantastic voyaging treats thats great! Just plan ahead and don't go over your limit.  

Figure out what you'd ideally like to spend on food and beverages along the way as well and keep track of your purchases so you're able to stick to your budget.  If you don't want to keep track, just stick your cash in an envelope for food and drinks.

Gas is going to cost you an arm and a leg so just chop those off now and get ready to hand them over in pieces at every gas station. 

Basically, I allow myself a little fun because any trip should be like a new adventure and there's no need to worry over every cent if you plan ahead of time and have already given yourself permission within limits.  This will free up all your thoughts for the more important things while seeing the world. Thoughts like, "I wonder If I'd make a good trucker", "Do I have to pee or am I just bored", "I wonder if I can drive with my left foot".

The best part about being on the road is all the thinking time.
Thinking is free and free is cheap.

the answers are: no, just bored, and yes

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