Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dear Diary 10/7/1990

1990 - almost 10 years old.

"Dear Diary,
today Toni got married. It was so exciting. I almost cried. in the middle of it adreanna Bobbys baby went pee and her diaper leeked onto my skirt. I had to go and wash it off. I almost didn't pass out birdseed because LL was going to cause that mean Heather Lady told her to afterwards we had a flat and we were almost out of gas and we left Bobby and her boyfriend and David at the church. David is like Steve he kept pulling my hair so I'd pull his back. Now which is 6:41 they are coming over I'm not sure who all is coming. Well, bye.

Okay so I must chime in here and say that I was ONLY nine years old okay? I promise I eventually got the hang of punctuation and spelling. Now, which is 1:43, I'm going to laugh at my immaturity and go ride my bike really fast down a hill. Because that's what almost 33 year old kids do.

Well, bye.

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